You probably won’t find a topic right now that is more spoken about, feared or misunderstood than artificial intelligence (AI). Whether Elon Musk is depicting the fall of human society at the hands of AI, or another robot sci-fi movie thriller is being set – Artificial Intelligence has gotten a bad reputation in the media. 

Naturally, the media loves to sell stories, and the T-100 of Skynet overthrowing humanity sells a lot better than truth-based facts. 

For all the negative press, one element of the fear-mongering is factual – AI will automate and potentially displace jobs. But, it will also create jobs, improve processes and make humans more efficient in their current roles. As recruiters, this includes being able to automate those mundane and repetitive tasks, leading to enhanced processes.

Robot replacing humans job.

First, let’s look at some of the basic myths of AI.


Myth: AI will displace all jobs

Actually, according to a study of 1,000 companies, it was revealed that AI systems created new jobs in 80% of the organisations it was implemented in. 


Myth: AI will overtake human intelligence

Intelligence has always been a spectrum. When it comes to emotional intelligence, creativity and strategic thinking, AI has a long way to go to match its human counterparts.  


Myth: AI will eliminate recruitment bias

Not always. AI uses data-based algorithms generated by humans. When the data is initially skewed from human elements, the algorithm may also be compromised. This can be seen in the Amazon recruitment case study. 

Let’s all put down the tiki torches. AI isn’t coming to enslave all of humankind in some apocalyptic style of event. While AI does present many challenges for society and the workplace moving forward, it also offers many benefits. 


Here are five benefits of using AI technology in recruitment


  • Automated candidate sourcing

52% of talent acquisition leaders say the hardest part of recruitment is identifying the right candidates from a large applicant pool.

AI will help to streamline/automate parts of the recruiting process, particularly repetitive, high volume and mundane tasks. AI software uses data to standardise the matching between candidates’ experience, knowledge, skills and the requirements of the job. This will decrease the final size of the applicant pool and reduce the time that recruiters spend sifting through resumes. 


  • Candidate rediscovery

A large amount of time and resources are spent by recruiters going through the endless number of resumes received for each new job posting. Rarely is there time to go back through an existing candidate pool where there may already be the perfect candidate waiting. 

AI can screen past candidates to identify those who match the new job requirements. Reducing the time spent manually doing this, as well as potentially finding the perfect applicant who would otherwise have been lost. 


  • Able to focus on the human element of recruitment

From doctors to lawyers to recruiters – there are elements to these positions that machines will be able to automate (and in many cases are already doing so). The one thing that AI cannot replicate, is the human element and emotional connection with the customer. 

What machine can emphatically deliver medical news to a patient? The relationship between doctor and patient isn’t something that can be replicated by an algorithm.

The same can be said for recruitment. Recruitment is about relationships. Building those relationships, establishing trust with customers and listening to their needs and wants. Something AI cannot do (at least for now). 

While AI can’t automate relationship building, it can free up your time by automating those previous tasks mentioned. Giving you as a recruiter, more time to focus your energy on the human element and develop customer relationships. 


  • AI CAN reduce human bias

Note, the operative word is ‘human’ in the subheading. AI learns from data that was initially created from human data points. It is here that if the data was initially skewed, so too can be the AI algorithm. In other words, if a machine has learned from a biased recruiter, the machine too will be biased.

Creating clean starting points of data may be necessary to reduce the potential of AI actually contributing to bias in recruiting. 

Where AI may be beneficial is what it can be programmed to ignore. Things such as demographic trends, names, post codes, schools, etc can all contribute to an unconscious bias with a human recruiter. With AI programmed to ignore these data points, the algorithm can reduce this first stage of potential bias. 


  • Improved targeted ads

One of the most valuable applications of AI is the ability to improve targeted ads that will be seen by the right people at the right moment. This is done by using the person’s history of their online activity, such as browsing history and social trends. AI-based software can analyse this data from candidates and use it to place ads where it is most likely to be effectively reacted to. 

This reduces the cost of marketing that recruiters and organisations are required to spend on job postings.


If history has taught us anything, it is that humans are scared of change – particularly when it comes to technological advancements. You only need to look back at the 19th century industrial revolution in England to find evidence of this. With the automation of the textile industry, a movement rose in the 19th century that lead to a series of protests and riots. People fearing that machines were taking away jobs – sound familiar? 

Jobs have always changed along with technology. 10 years ago, a social media manager didn’t exist, nor did an app developer. With each displacement of jobs, there are new ones being created. Rather than resist the change, learn how you can accommodate AI into your recruitment process to remain competitive, streamline the customer experience and develop better relationships with your customers.

In summary, there are many myths surrounding AI which hinders it from Recruiters using it. Here are 5 benefits of using AI in Recruitment: 

1) Automated Candidate Sourcing


2) Candidate Rediscovery


3) Able to Focus On The Human Element Of Recruitment


4) Reduction Of Human Bias


5) Improved Targeted Ads


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- How Businesses Can Conduct Great Interviews 

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