For more than a decade we've focused exclusively on tech recruitment. We understand IT professionals and how to create that perfect match between expert and employer. We know who you need and we're already talki...
For more than a decade we've focused exclusively on tech recruitment. We understand IT professionals and how to create that perfect match between expert and employer. We know who you need and we're already talking to them.
With one of our specialist recruiters, you'll be perfectly placed to connect with the right tech talent at each stage of the tech innovation cycle - from building solutions, to leading your teams.
When you enlist Halcyon Knights you're working with a team who are:
- Deeply Specialised
- Recommended by top Tech players
- Guaranteeing Replacements
- Developing Experienced and Next-Gen Executive Connections
Start your search by activating the recruitment team
embedded in the biggest tech communities across Australia,
New Zealand and Asia Pacific.