I help companies scale and love being apart of the Scaleup ecosystem, mentor and advisor to Techstars, Tractor Ventures, Reach, SBE, Folklore & InvestVic.
I'm a Director & the Head of Partnerships for Real Time, Australia's most ...
I help companies scale and love being apart of the Scaleup ecosystem, mentor and advisor to Techstars, Tractor Ventures, Reach, SBE, Folklore & InvestVic.
I'm a Director & the Head of Partnerships for Real Time, Australia's most trusted tech recruitment partner.
I'm passionate about educating companies on how to achieve organisational performance by connecting their Organisational & Job Designs, so they can grow sustainably.
When you partner with Real Time you are not only investing in the future of your business, but also the future of First Nation youths. https://www.realtimeaustralia.com/shoreline/
Let me know how I can help!
[email protected] 👋